24/7 House Received The Buddy Horton Award
Our program runs strictly on donations from the community and resident fees. We do not receive government funding.
The 24/7 House Residential Alcohol and Drug Recovery Residence program is an in depth journey of self, and healing from the life-crippling effects of the disease of addiction. Our program is Christ Centered: we believe that Christ has to be at the center of the process so that the recovery aspect will work effectively.
The program provides the individual with all the necessary tools for entering and maintaining long-term recovery.
When the chemically dependent individual comes to us they are often at the end of the road without hope. They may be physically and emotionally ill: their relationships, financial situation and work may be dysfunctional. We provide the support needed for them to eliminate their alcohol and drug use; allow restoration with family and friends; find employment and learn how to be a productive member of their community.
Residents must be 18 years of age or older. Residents are required to be physically, mentally, emotionally, and behaviorally capable of functioning in a therapeutic community setting.
Our mission is to create a recovery atmosphere which is safe, Biblically sound, firm in the 12-Steps, and a gateway to re-enter society.
We are In the paper! READ HERE
Please read this letter from us….
Dear Community and Friends of the 24/7 House:
Shocking news published in November 2015… “Drug overdose deaths are the leading cause of injury death in the United States, ahead of motor vehicle deaths and firearms deaths.” Data indicates that 46,471 people died from drug overdoses, and more than half of those were caused by prescription painkillers and heroin. That compares with 35,369 who died in motor vehicle crashes and 33,636 who died from firearms (report filed by federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Sadly, this report confirms what we’ve known for some time: drug abuse is ending too many lives while destroying families and communities… We Need Your Help!
An excerpt from an admission application for a young woman who has no money and who may die without help… “I am writing on behalf of a women currently incarcerated and unable to function for long periods of time in an outpatient program. She has a history of trauma and recently suffered a miscarriage that triggered relapse. Her children are being cared for by a family member. She needs a program that will assist her in working through her past and that will allow her to learn how to live a fulfilled and sober life.” We must stop this epidemic and focus our support on solutions that work… We Need Your Help!
The 24/7 House is a faith based residential recovery facility for men and women who suffer from the disease of drug and alcohol addiction. We have been privileged to serve this ministry since 2009. Our foundation is built strongly upon spiritual, clinical, and therapeutic principles that allow and provide for successful recovery. It is a comprehensive program that requires a minimum 18 month commitment. Our staff has worked diligently to achieve the stringent standards set forth by the Georgia Association of Recovery Residences (G.A.R.R.) and the Transitional Housing for Offender Reentry (T.H.O.R.).
There is an estimated 23 million people that meet the criteria for active addiction. Of them, only 10 percent make it into some form of treatment program; 20 percent of those will be dead in 5 years. In a world that covets Faster… Cheaper… Better without Self-Sacrifice, many facilities have shortened program durations and adapted standards to comply with societal pressure and/or financial constraints. The net result is devastating to successful recovery. The 24/7 House has a 58 percent success rate for graduating residents, this in an industry where the average is closer to 27 percent.
Success comes at significant cost. Operating expenses are approximately $1000 per resident per month. Applicants often have little more than the clothes they carry, severed family relationships, and a hope and prayer for a chance at life. We receive NO government or external subsidies and must rely heavily on individual and corporate donations as well as sponsored fund raisers. Residents contribute to their recovery as they are allowed employment with approved employers, but this occurs only after they have established a foundation of sobriety and strong program dynamics. However, this is simply NOT enough to fund a program infrastructure and all operational aspects of a successful residential recovery campus.
Community support for 24/7 House has always been phenomenal. Many of our churches, businesses and individuals support our efforts to combat this deadly disease. Donations are down and expenses are on the rise. We are constantly looking at alternatives and seek additional ways to fund this vital ministry, but the fact remains… We Need Your Help!
24/7 House, Inc. is non-profit 501(c)(3). Your one time or recurring donations are tax deductible. God can use you to bring about dramatic change in the lives of those afflicted with this disease, perhaps someone close to you is affected. Please consider your donation. Thank you so much for your compassionate heart for God’s ministry and offering the everlasting hope of Jesus Christ.
Pete Wright
Drugs, and alcohol, cause destruction and darkness that infiltrate the lives of those who live this lifestyle are overtaking society.
“For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you and His glory will appear upon you.” Isaiah 60:2
The disease of drug and alcohol addiction is growing. It has the power to overtake not only the individual, but families. We believe a direct, specific approach found in God’s word is key to overcoming the bondage of addiction.
“And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known; I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.” Isaiah 42:16
Through a firm Biblical foundation together with the 12-Steps, we believe those suffering from addiction are able to overcome the disease and maintain sobriety. Group unity builds a solid support group. The 12-Steps set the principles. God’s word is the road map.